Fortnite lagging? - 3

- in Hardware

My pc parts:

My pc: 1660 super, msi 450 max per mainboard, RAM g skills 3200 mhz, cpu ryzen 5 2800x

monitor: AOC Gaming 27G2ZU 240hz got my screen down to 144 hz.
After a while I somehow got laggs in fortnite I edit very quickly, I didn't know what was going on, so I thought I can overclock my graphics card, yes, I got msi afterburner, I overclocked it a bit, now the laggs were gone, then they came back, after a few updates the Performers Mode and gpu boost came out in fortnite I also activated it, it still lagged, now I thought it was the cpu the whole time, then I went to the pc settings and have such a cpu there boost activated so it is still lagging I've been trying to fix these laggs for 4-5 months, I can't get it, thought it was because of the internet my father and I got the best out, now 8 pings in creative and in public 20-30 if I edit too fast it gets a freeze frame and suddenly I have slipped through


Have you ever tried to play with performance mode?


It is in the text, I think


Okay bro please reread your text and don't expect us to understand everything right away. In full sentences next time please.


First of all, I don't understand why you have such a good monitor when your PC obviously can't make it that far. Incidentally, there's no indication of how much RAM you have, but I'll assume 16 GB.

In addition, your graka is no longer the best, but it shouldn't normally fail.

So I get it right: you overclocked your graka and then your lags were gone? But are you back now? Did you change anything during that time that could cause it again?

Just really update and reinstall all drivers (drivers as well as game). Do benchmark tests, see how your components work. Perhaps in the background while playing in the task manager to see how your components are being used, because this way you can see which ones are not working as they should. That's how I did it and noticed that my graphics card is not being used to the full.

Maybe that will help.


To what extent are the lags? Just framedrops or what do you think?