What do I give my girlfriend?


My girlfriend's birthday is on Friday and I have no ideas what to give her ps she is 11 but very mature like 14 she likes anime / manga fortnite call of duty and I want to do it myself so you understand, thank you for any help


Paint her a picture of her favorite anime character


I can't paint


Hmm how about some handicrafts? Or print your own t-shirt with anime motifs (there are tutorials for this on Youtube) or create your own anime song playlist. Some baking?


I once made a Vegeta lamp for my son when he was still the dragonball age. For this you need a cylindrical table lamp and printable foil. Print with the motif of your choice, cut to size and glue around the lamp (I just glued it with tape.)

Looked like this then.

What do I give my girlfriend

I made this lamp many times with other photos as gifts for friends and family. Always awesome and your girlfriend will definitely like it too.