My girlfriend is bad at Fortnite?


My girlfriend is very bad in Fortnite how can I tell her or make it clear that we can no longer play together without hurting her?

we're 3 years old


I wouldn't say that
keep practicing with her


Tell her that there's a bug that you can no longer find her in the list and can't add any friends at the moment. Bissl 🤫 is probably legal…


My husband is also bad at some games and I don't go out with him, but that doesn't question a relationship.

Separate yourself if there are problems.


What I just noticed. It breaks up when you don't play with it. 1. Are you serious or not. If so pff… Then she doesn't take the relationship seriously. Then she is like my sister. I have 100 nice friends and they are always nice. That's why I have to play with my sister and she always threatens me if you don't do this then I'll play nice to you. I'm bored, however


Can she cook?