Fortnite money back?


I'm a Fortnite player and generally play it on PC. Could I somehow get my money back from Apple banning Fortnite which I spent on pc because I no longer play Fortnite? Because I have always carried out the transactions on the PC and I have always played it on the PC, but I have an Apple mobile phone and can I get back all the items that I have purchased in the Fortniteshop or that would be fraud and they could do that I do the whole thing with this Apple voice control so this question because I'm too lazy to write that so sorry for my German Greetings Ali


You can't get back money already spent in fortnite


First of all, transactions that are made via PC can't be reversed, so you can say you have wasted your money. You can't get the money on your cell phone because whenever you buy something on your cell phone, be it in a game or something else, a bill is saved, so to speak, if you can't present it, you won't get your money either. So just like in real life, no invoice no refund. You can't get any money back in Fortnite either.


No, you won't get your money back. Why should they give you the money back?


Why should they give you the money back?


Because there's no more in the AppStore?!


But you've already spent the money, they don't have anything to give away either lol


No, the money is and will be spent.