Compile computer which page is the best?


I would like to configure a computer myself and look for the best provider for it

My budget 1000 euro-1300 euro

I would like to use the computer to cut videos (never done, but would like to learn).

Games gambling (Fortnite, Apex, Csgo etc.)

Stream (never done, but would like to try it.)

actually I want an all-rounder… Who can do everything well.

I would be glad about information and recommendations.

And please no stupid comments


Best with Mindfactory, is the easiest and best site


If you only want to gamble on CS: GO (etc.) (leaving the other rubbish at the top of it), 1000 euro will definitely be enough.

Look at Mindfactory.


Is that the best for the price


Can you make me a configuration, do not know me like that


That's always relative. Everyone understands the best as something different. But for the price you can't complain here. Sure, you can still drauflegen 40 EUro and buy a better CPU cooler and the thing then OC or a slightly cheaper graphics card and a RAM with better latency, etc. I think this system is quite good.


Take a look at the system requirements of the games you want to play.