How do my parents persuade me to buy a console?


I would like to buy a PS4 slim in Spiderman bundle. Have that money and I'm in the school in the 3 to 2 range. I currently have a Nintendo Switch, which unfortunately I can't play Spiderman, because I'm a huge fan. The problems are the following:

1. My father thinks I would be happy with my switch.

2. We bought a new house and now have to save

3. My parents think I would just squat in front of the screen if I'm allowed to buy the console.

4. My father thinks I would buy something like a PS4 pro or an Xbox one x.

5. Since I'm 12 years old and there are games for the PS4 series like COD or the Division, my parents will think that I will buy and play them too. At the moment I'm only interested in games like Spiederman, Fortnite or racing games.

Would be very happy if someone would say good tips.


Clear it off somehow.


You can also have 2 consoles.
and 4. It's your money, it has nothing to do with the house.
Do you have to convince him that this is not the case.

5. Because you are 12, you do not get them at the cash register


To 1 .: then talk to him?

to 2 .: In fact legitimate objection, money does not grow on trees. If you get pocket money you could agree that you collect it and then buy it (as soon as it is enough) the console. Or you make such a typical parent-child deal that you get the console, if in return your grades get better. The latter does not solve the money problem but often works (if you actually write better grades.).

to 3 .: But you could with your switch now synonymous already?

to 4 .: then talk to him?

To 5: So even if you get the console, you can't just buy games that are over 18, since you have to confirm your age both in the media market, as well as online to verify that you are actually over 18 , The concern is therefore rather unfounded. Finally, there's also Mortal Kombat 11 on the switch and that's hard to beat for brutality anyway.


What do you mean by that?


Thanks for the detailed answer


Thank you for your thoughtful answer

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