Buy the RTX 3070 for the MSFS 2020?


What do you think, can I count on the rtx 3070 for the next 5 years? If I want to play the game MSFS 2020 on high / ultra settings… I'm not a streamer… And maybe a bit of Fortnite…

I would actually only need the card for MSFS 2020 and Excel, Word and Photoshop…

Think 3080 would not be so useful for me or is it worth 300 euro on top for ne 3080?


Nope, I would save myself the 300, the 3070 is completely sufficient.

You can actually get along with a 1660 until the Grakas get cheaper again and that will inevitably happen.


Does it make a big difference… Between the 3070 and 3080 in the Game MSFS 2020 so FPS


About 30%. It always depends on the resolution and the game


Certainly so much that it costs something, you know the gradations from the past, something like this is how it will be on a slightly higher level.

Fps problems with rtx 3070? Ol Oliviaatticus
New Pc-3070? ar arelyJar