Epic order in fortnite, hurl wild boar away with shockwave grenades?


Hello season 6 has been running for some time now. I wanted to know where there's a high probability that shockwave grenades can be found? Because I would need you to do this quest because this quest is about please only name places where you have a high probability of having found them yourself, if you are a player, it would of course be best if you could answer this question if you are not a player, best not to write, it is not meant badly because I really want people to play the game because they can say from experience that there's a high probability that you will always find some.

And for all math students out there I know perfection is no longer enough 75% chances of success if I land in the field that I can find some. Then I just need two to three attempts because that's 2/3 of 100% and that should be enough.


The drob probability will be the same over all I recommend Mistie Meadows

A city with lots of boxes of MPC is right nearby and Stone Age areas too.

You can go to the combat laboratory and find out which place is most sympathetic to you.