My sister has no place for fortnite on one of her disks. And since I'm not sure I wanted to ask if I / she can copy the files so the whole folder and stuff just on the hard disk "data" or if there's something to be reinstalled (from now on here nh)
ty for answer
Since the data is stored on a server at Fortnite, and you have everything after a reinstallation (skins, settings, etc.), it is advisable to simply delete the whole and reinstall on the other hard drive. Rüberschieben would be much more problematic:-) After the new installation Epic Games Launcher start, log in and everything is as before…
Hope the answer was helpful
Yesterday I tried because of the update. Simply delete and reinstall is faster.
Okay, i almost thought of it, but since our internet is pretty bad i was hoping that mans can move too. Well, many thanks ^^