How can I finally get an Epic victory in Fortnite?



My problem is that I can't win in fortnite no matter how many times I try it is not net because all the sweats are you can't defeat. I try it already a ¾ year and have won 2 times in solo. But I want More. I take it all so seriously that if my opponent survives with 1-10hp I rage because it is unfair that my opponents will survive with so little hp. I have been training my editing and have used aim trainer and improved my build but can win I still do not. I think it's BITTER! That so many people are better than me. What can I do there?

Ps: I'm a controller player


Uhm well. What you can do is keep practicing. Oh yeah, if you go nuts while gambling (which still happens to me seldom), you should take a break immediately. Annoyed you play even worse and make, if it goes stupid, something broken.


Play since season 1 and have 5 solo wins I do not like duo and squad looks different no matter how bad my grammar is I'm the one with all the kills and I'm more carefree and relaxed because I have a right backhand… Just relax and maybe practice in creative as well


I'm pretty sure it's not your skill. I'm afraid you're too naive. If I were you, I would watch videos of some serious people, such as B MONGRAAL, SEVAGE, …


Not grammar ♂️😂 meant teammates

Fortnite Epic victory? To Toothsome