Change background on windows 10 automatically?


Dear Fortniter,

I Flossdancer11 have a problem.

I have a lot of pictures of my Victory Royale. I wanted to put my Victory Royale as a background image on my Microsoft Windows 10 computer.

Since I have so many Victory Royales, I thought I could put them all, and change them every day.

But how does that work? HMM.

do you know a solution?

Write in the comments.

Kiss and greeting


Right-click on the desktop -> Customize -> Background -> For "Background" you have to select slideshow, then set the image change interval to 1 day. It is important, of course, that you have all the pictures in a folder that you can select with the button "Browse".


Please send me a .rar or .zip with the pictures, I will make you then as a background! Looks cool, even if it's not my name, which can be seen there. This changes with me every 1 minute.


OMG Thank you. Now I can show on people Dabben, and at the same time my Victory Royales.