Sorry, because of 2020?


Somehow, lately, i'm starting to realize how sad many are now that 2020 is coming.

I feel the same way and I do not even know why. I feel so old now and just do not realize how fast time is running.

I hear all the songs from 2010 and I think "blatantly that's already 10 years ago", most of it seems like yesterday. I have the feeling that something is over soon and somehow I do not want that. Hilarious haha In 10 years, the whole kiddies will certainly be like that, except that they will be remembered fortnite haha

do you know that?

no hate please


Those were still times, without mobile phone and Internet!


We still find today without a mobile phone to our appointments.

Is an advantage, almost as if you knew what is edible in the jungle.


Just as map reading without Navi!




What would I give for living again this decade?


I somehow could not imagine that there would be a year 2000. Already the year 1990 seemed to me like science fiction:-(

We're in an unreal time, a time that does not exist. But it has nothing to do with the science fiction of yesteryear. Since some things were positive and some predicted negative. But positive never occurred.


I hear the whole songs from 2010

I hear the stuff from the eighties - and think back to my studies. Do not worry. Memories are important and your past is the basis of what you are today. And that will be your whole life. With the only difference that you win over time in the past.

Stress with boy? bu businessTheresa