Is this configuration good for fortnite and for cutting videos?


I would maybe use a 500W power supply, but otherwise that should be enough for games and simple video editing


Ok thanks would the mainboard be enough?


It's definitely not bad for the price. Maybe you could take the Ryzen 7 2700x. It has more multi-core performance and is better suited for video editing, but it also costs a little more. But it is not necessary. Otherwise everything looks fine.

Edit: The mainboard only has 2 RAM slots, so you won't be able to upgrade anymore.

Better take this:



P / L
is enough for video editing
is enough for gaming


would choose a 500W power supply
you don't need the X, you can get it by overclocking
a mainboard with 4 RAM slots would take e.g.


PC is well configured, just change power supply and mainboard.

RGB fish


The mainboard is not a "load-bearing" component. You don't necessarily get more FPS from a better motherboard. However, the features are decisive here. You're not doing anything wrong with the B450.


The RX580 has now been replaced by the 5500XT, which has the same price, is much more efficient and at RX 590 level. For an extra 20 you would even get a 1660 Super.
The 2600X is not worth it, get a 1600AF / 2600 or a Ryzen 5 3600 directly
I would replace the mainboard with an MSI B450M Pro-VDH Max.
400W are a bit scarce with an RX580 and 2600X, it would be enough with a 5500XT and 2600/3600.