How do I get a 1080p video?

- in Hardware

I have been making videos on my YouTube channel for about 3 months… The channel is about gaming, namely Fortnite…

Now there's a problem… Because to get more subscriptions you have to do something good and I wonder if it is possible that I get the videos instead of 480 or 720p somehow to 1080p…

If I make a video then I take it over the Ps4 on the Share button and if I have to cut it then I'll do that via the Ps4 cutting edge program Share Factory and then I'll upload it…

Still for information I have no PC on which I can pull it over and then upload it over the PC because such information I have often received that it should go over the PC or something…


I think that's not possible in your case.

Normally one cuts his video yes in a correct processing program (like Sony Vegas) and then rendert in 1080p