How does that work with the code?

- in Skins

Hi. I bought the code for the Rouge Spiderknight (Fortnite) and am currently very uncertain. I entered the code on the pc on my xbox account and the code went too. I've already linked my Xbox account to my EpicGames account. Do I just need to start Fortnite on an Xbox to get the skin? Or will I not get it anymore? I'm just pretty insecure.


If you have successfully redeemed the code on your Xbox, you only need to log in to Fortnite once and then use this skin on all other linked platforms.


Thanks for the answer. I redeemed the code in the Microsoftstore, at the Pc. Everything went well, the code worked. The question I ask myself, I get the skin then only when I go online on an Xbox? (Sry, did not mention that I have no possessions.)


If you do not have an Xbox, it may be difficult to get the skin since you will be on an Xbox with your Acc. After code redemption, but if you find a colleague who already owns an Xbox, you can log in and log in again


Thanks, that helped a lot! A very good buddy will soon get an Xbox, because I can do it.

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