I don't want a skin for free?

- in Skins

How do I tell a good friend that I don't want the skin to be given to me. She would like to give me one, I think… I also gave her one for Christmas and then got myself a skin, but tomorrow is my birthday and I notice that she wants to buy me a skin in the item shop fortnite…

I don't want that… Skins are sometimes unnecessary. It was a one time thing… What do I do now

I told her but she said she wouldn't want to get me one but I notice it… What now…

Buying my skin for me would not give me any pleasure


Tell him that is easy and good.


"Dear good friend, I think skins are unnecessary and don't want them. I wouldn't be happy if I got one for free either."


It's good that you told him before. Then he should have understood that you wouldn't be happy about it. Surely he understands that and if you have the feeling that this is not the case tell him again or tell him what you would like