Nintendo switch cash in for fortnite?

- in Skins

I have today a Nintendo Switch card with 3 months membership and a Nintendo e shop worth 7.99 fetched this code I have also redeemed as it is the instructions in the e shop as I then wanted to buy a skin at fortnite I should the code re-enter and there was the code has been redeemed even though I did not buy anything but only had to redeem the code so I have some credit what I have to do?


By this is meant that the membership has a value of 7.99 euro. You will not receive any additional credit with the card - only the membership.


I as a Nintendo lover and every normal person would have to know that there are no 8 euro cards there are 15 euro 25 euro 50 euro 100 euro these are the basics (10 euro and all over 100 euro, there are some even) a tip on the cards is what you bought exactly when you stand credit card then you've bought a credit card