Addicted to Fortnite?

- in Skins

I play at least 10 hours of Battle Royal daily and have bought several skins. I just enjoy it. The question is, am I addicted? My Fortnite friends say yes.


Yes, it seems so. Are you aggressive or do you have a bad mood if someone bothers you while gambling? Do not you have a social life (outside the game)?

If you can answer all this with yes. Then yes, you are.


So seeking means if you want to stop something but can't. That means if you ask friends "hey we want to get out" and you want the same eigendlich and like the person. But you better play Fortnite that is a very big sign of addiction! So if you are gambling on other important things! I would advise you to play 1 hour or a half less each hour, because that is not really healthy and can have consequences for your future.


If you do not neglect your duties, then it is ultimately indifferent.

But 8 hours of school + learning and 10 hours of games are 18, and that's not going to happen.

Whether it is addiction or not, we're completely indifferent. You just have to look that you have done what needs to be done.


Yes, my brother once threw a Fortnite fabric Lama on the head, because I died because of him. Well, I have Fortnite Battle Royal friends. So, according to your statements, I'm a Fortnite addict victim… What can I do?


I did not call you a victim. If you like your life so well, keep it up. If not, force yourself to pursue other activities. But you need discipline.


I can do it. I go c.a. 6 hours to school, play 10h a day and get 8h sleep. My day is perfectly timed.


If your grades are okay, then I think you should be happy if you find something that makes you so much fun.