I wanted to ask if I do a fortnite update, for example, will memory be drawn every time I update until I have no more? Or how does it work
I only have 100GB hard disk space and if I do an update or several do I lose everything?
What kind of memory? Random access memory? Hard drive space?
With an update, you usually don't need any RAM at all.
Maybe I misunderstood something, but the update has to be saved somewhere, on the hard drive.
Hard disk space. I still have 100GB free and if I do an update I lose more and more?
You don't "always" lose disk space, but it does happen a lot. However, part of the space is usually released again after installation.
But you shouldn't pack the hard drive completely anyway, as this can lead to a loss of speed.
So when I do an update something is added and something is taken down again?
Normally this is how it is done.