Mentally not good?


Can anyone help me? I'm currently very poor because I'm only insulted off… I'm just a bit overweight and today in the class have discussed about my weight guys. (happens more often that someone says I'm fat or how much do you weigh.) I just can't anymore and today (25.2.19) I just overslept and was only at 9.40 in the school instead of 7.50 (happens to me more often but actually always only 10-20 min.) and it came back to me guys immediately: You have certainly gambled all the time fortnite! The other: How can you overslept 2 hours Do not you have any parents to wake you up? I just can't anymore I'm tired for a long time and cry with every little thing. I would most like to be in my bed only… Had the 2018 in april sometimes moved until december. I'm scared that it is like this again. But what is that? I feel worse than ever.


Best thing I can advise you. No matter what you say Do not even pull yourself down to their level. Do you feel comfortable with your weight? If not then move and show it. Start with sports. Show it.


At the start; I'm sorry to hear that. Children are not just 'cruel', no, such sayings do not go at all, and I hope that all of them will eventually understand this.

Now for your problem. When we're under psychological pressure from people, for example through insults or tortures at school, we often completely relax. It makes us tired, unwilling to do anything, just hiding. Often it's even an advanced sign of depression, and that's no fun.

Please do it for yourself and do not look over it anymore. Every school has a social counselor or a school psychologist who will always be open to you and will not take this problem lightly. What these kids do with you is knitting and just not okay and should be noticed by others. Please talk to someone you trust or the psychologist from the school about it - and I promise you that they will try to help you. I'm sure you can be strong and I believe in you!


Unfortunately, it is difficult because I have an eating disorder… Confirmed by the doctor.


My detailed answer has been deleted.

Short form.

You have to stand by yourself and point out naughty ones by saying, "Brake yourself." Head and nose up.

Their disobedience is the worst. But stupid cheeky polish their ego to good ones, because they do not fight back.

You have to learn to fight back. You have to learn to demand respect.