Fortnite Girl gamer how high is your killrekord Team Duo Solo?


It can also write men who know the kill records of Girl Gamers.


1 kill


No, I certainly do not think so.

30 kills? Wow has the YouTube?




Or 4 kills but then only with a good boy at the side.


That's definitely your mom's kill record




Well guys are not better at gambling I bet there are gamer girls that would violently destroy you


Who asked if gamer girls would be able to destroy me? Or questioned that?
How do you know if I'm a boy?

"I do not think so" I said that I do not think that gamer girls are bad in games… At all, no one has ever said that gamer girls are bad so I do not know why you come to the topic


Of course, there are also professional Fortnite players who will surpass you a lot. That should be clear to you. Or do I smell sexism? 😉


So again, huh. And then so many sayings and a wink to 🤦♀️

wake up and do not read what you want to understand, but only what is Really there!

Can you tell by my name or anything else if I'm a boy? No! So do not be so hasty and think before you tell me what.

I just wanted to know how high the female records are. And surprise surprise am female but not one of the best players and just wanted to know just how high the female records are!


Oha, that seems to have upset you. I really did not mean anything to you. All I meant was that your testimony, especially the answer you wrote under the 30 Kills answer, smelled a little bit of sexism to me. Maybe I just misunderstood it too ^^ But just because you're a girl does not mean that you can't be sexist with women. That does not exclude directly 😉


When someone feels cornered, the human being apparently does not try to argue with reason, but becomes superficial. And insulting. Take easily from your last comment.


Yes stupid Gelaber actually upset me! And now? But you've already accused me something that I'm a boy. Just because of my question, you just assumed that I'm a boy. This is called subordinate!

Under the question, I first wrote "kill your mom's record," but then I think that's going too far, and it's not such a bad joke either. And edited it but then he exaggerated it and then wrote it as a new comment! (Mama's record)

Mister "Denkmithirn" could you have recognized on which side I'm?

No, that's just because I'm female does not mean that I'm not sexist the more stupid that you think that's why I'm a boy. But I have not given any indication here that it could be me nor that I'm a boy.

Instead of apologizing, you keep talking to me.


I rather meant your answer to the answer from FortniteBeste. And please write my sentence where I said that you are a boy. Because I do not have me. Because you imply you just me XD


Why should I feel cornered? You are wrong here and I'm right? You can ask and answer among others that I have written every time that I'm female.

You actually feel cornered and do exactly what you write instead of apologizing you just do not try to argue reasonably anymore. And what do you mean by superficiality? Haha explain that to me.

You do not need to be offended because of the last spell you've earned so well and that is still pretty mild and on the same level as your answer.


Well, there you see again that you have actually picked the best name for you. As you can see again who really can't reason and argue for excuses.

If my question is simple "how many are the female player's kill records" and you write to me "some of them could easily destroy you, you should know that"

is it logical that you have assumed that I'm a boy?


I see no connection. Even a girl can be superior to a girl and "destroy" her. It's clear and does not automatically imply that you have to be a boy.


I do not need to see your comments give it up? You just lost. You're doing exactly what you wrote to me!

as I said the saying you have earned. Was not a bit too much.

and again for thinkers with brains

I asked a simple question. No hints, nothing, nothing, nothing you say without anyone questioning that there are players who could destroy me and

And another thing. Look how you search for excuses and just do not apologize fair. Disgusting then do you still expect me to be nice to you? Do you think level is just not offensive? You beg afterwards but with your answers by the name?

In addition to my arguments, I have written one spell per answer, and sometimes not at all. You can still read, right? Why do you act as if I had just insulted you line by line? Laughing


Will I insult you or reduce you to your username or other? No? Is it too much to expect the same from you?


Ooops sorry Bro


Tell your mom about me "greetings bro";)


I ask a totally meaningless question and the answer below fortnitebeste (got it confused earlier) can be ambiguously understood. Someone who really thinks knows that and would still not draw any conclusions from it. Thought my "wow 30 kills" would be enough but no.

Also my answer under the other user would have to be enough. It is very obvious that I'm upset about his sexist answer!

Just cheap of you that you do not apologize. And pretending that you did not think I was a boy. And pretend that I just insulted you the whole time. The one two small sayings you could have plugged in but ne you feel so pressed into the corner ne.

and yes, that makes me think.

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