How many watts with power supply in Fortnite?


How many watts do you need for the power supply for Fortnite? Are 250 enough?


This has nothing to do with the game that you want to play, but with the rest of the built-in hardware…


Gtx 1650 and intel5-10400


That depends on your hardware and not directly on the game.


Intel5-10400 and gtx 1650 as well as 16Gb Ram and 512 ssd


And further? That's not all…

But no, 250 watts are certainly not enough for that alone…


How much then?


Below 600 makes little sense…


Depending on the hardware, you should probably use 450-650W. Almost any hardware can be fired in this area.

If I now assume the hardware that is required for Fortnite, then a 450W power supply should be sufficient.

Since you probably know your hardware better than I do, you are welcome to use the and concentrate on the Pure Power or Straight Power series. However, you should preferably not have more than 80% of the load.


Huh? My friend has exactly the same pc with the gtx 1650 and intel5-10400 and can he play fortnite with him? Strangely the power supply is the same, so 250 watts.


With the hardware 600W? Really?
With a China firecracker, 600W would perhaps be useful, since they already die from half the load. But 600W doesn't make sense for this hardware.


Well, what do I know, as a trained and studied computer scientist:-)


Finished PCs are often very tight and 250W can actually be enough for the hardware. Sometimes the hardware is already operating at its limit and it already lacks reserves.

In fact, I've already heard of a case where after swapping the power supply from 350W to 450W there were apparently enough resources for the graphics card and the FPS in the game were more stable and even slightly higher.

The power of the power pack was so tight that after installing an additional hard drive, the PC would no longer work!


Apparently too little.
Or you (like so many) have outdated or incorrect knowledge.

According to the BeQuiet power supply calculator, the maximum wattage requirement (with 4 fans, 4 Ram modules and 4 SATA drives… I always calculate this to have a little air) is only 305W. And this is actually the maximum wattage requirement with 100% load on GPU and CPU!

A power supply with only 450W is easily sufficient, 600W would be completely exaggerated.
I only have 750W with an i7 11700k and an RTX 2080ti, just to give a comparison value. And I actually ran the PC with 650W for a short time without any problems because the delivery time of my 750W power supply was delayed.

According to BeQuiet, by the way, I need 635W, so it was still within the scope of the possible, especially since you don't run at full load all the time.


But what do I know as a trained freight IT specialist…


You use a "power supply calculator"… That's all there's to it:-)


Using a power supply calculator is no shame. It is at least much better than simply recommended here with this rather energy-saving 600W hardware!

You already know that this GTX 1650 from the questioner doesn't even need an additional power supply?! It runs exclusively on the power supply of the PCIe port! I remind you again, you recommended 600W!


Don't get in:-)


Yes, I step into it a little, because you obviously don't have the clue and just want to justify it with your studies and profession.

What would you have suggested for my hardware? A nuclear reactor?


Ne… Two:-)


I claim that you can easily get by with a 400 watt power supply. Even 300-350 watt OEM power supplies should be sufficient.


Another Communit expert said 300 watts is enough for me. Here again the hardware:

Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1650

Intel 5 -10400

512 Ssd

16 GB ram

if she answered that I would have one more question;


You could do it, yes. The power supply is then operated at the load limit. But as I already said (I mentioned it under Orothred23's answer) it would be a little too tight for me.

I've just used the BeQuiet Calculator for the sake of simplicity.

I specified 2 Ram modules, 21SATA drive (the SSD counts as one) and 4 fans. I don't know the exact number of fans, but I say CPU cooler, front 2, rear 1. That would be the optimal distribution in my opinion.

There we're at 252W maximum power consumption.

This shows that your manufacturer has dimensioned the power supply very tight!

A 300W Pure Power 11 would be 84% full and actually within the limits, but you really don't have any options for upgrading.

My PERSONAL recommendation would be a 400W Pure Power 11. Especially since this is even available with cable management and makes proper cabling easier.


My Pc does not have a watt number. Could you perhaps look up or perhaps calculate how many watts the power supply unit of the Pc has? ® -p67015-md34871-2682705.html

Search for medion erazer at

directly the first (it should cost 650 euro)


Unfortunately, I can't suck that out of my fingers. I'm sorry!

But it should be on the power supply when you open the computer.

I have now looked everywhere (Medion, Saturn, Mediamarkt, Geizhals) and found no information about the power supply.

But it will be calculated as tightly as possible (typically ready-made PC).


Hmm, ok, thank you anyway.

and one more question

will fortnite and minecraft load on the pc?


Fortnite should work and Minecraft even more.


Ok thank you