Fortnite relationships?

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πŸ’— I think everybody knows the famous game "Fortnite". So if not, then check out Google is really a cool game πŸ’—

It's not all about Fortnite right now but it has something to do with it. By the way, I'm a girl playing Fortnite (14 years old) since Season 3. I love to play because it's a lot of fun and most of all I play the "Team" mode because I always talk to people and make friends.πŸ’— Since I also met a boy, we were just in the same team, have talked, etc. Have geaddet then and then we have always played together. I have known him for 2 months already.

Today I played with him again and he asked me for my Instagram account. Of course I gave my name and he follows me and I follow him. When I left, we did a bit of private writing and so on.

but then told me that he really likes me as a Fortnite girlfriend and just asked if I would like to be with him. πŸ’— Now I'm in a tight spot and need your advice:

I like him a lot and I think he is really funny, but I still do not want to make a relationship because I can never take relationships seriously… πŸ˜’πŸ’—

I need your advice People πŸ’” I want to continue playing Fortnite in peace πŸ’”πŸ’”



I do not want to talk about it for long: If you say you do not want to enter into a relationship, then do not do it. Believe me, I have experience in xD. Even if it's hard for you, and possibly your "friendship" breaks it, tell him. Do not put him on a waiting list, that's the worst thing you can do. Be honest with him. Even if it gets hurt, it's still best to be honest. Just tell him you can't imagine a relationship, or rather, write it to him.

And I would like to give you general advice on the matter "Internet Relationship" (that's what I call it now): Take your time with such a decision. I do not want to scare you now, but you never know who is sitting behind the monitor. Be extremely careful about this and ask your parents first. Get to know him, be it skype or phone.

I have nothing against Internet relations, do not get it wrong. I know many in my circle of acquaintances who have received such a thing. For some it went well, for others it was bad. It's like in real life. So do not let other birds tell you that something like this could never work.

Hope I could help you.


I hate hurting other people so thank you ❀️

Pc - Fortnite Not available? Br Bryanbryant5066