100% utilization (CPU) in all games. How so?

- in Battle Royale

I bought a new processor for Christmas, (Ryzen 5 2600) because my old CPU (i5 4460) did not work very well and did not get along in most games. Anyway, I had always had 100% utilization in all the games that I played with the old CPU. And I thought that the new processor does not have this problem anymore. But unfortunately he also has this problem. In the game Star Wars Balkan Front 2 and Fortnite, my processor has a 100% load and that throughout. SWBF2 has indeed the frost bite engine like the battlefield parts. And they are well known that they take everything in power what is there. Nevertheless, it can't be that the CPU is fully utilized. On average, I have in SWBF2 65-70 fps ca but they drop every 15-20 sec on 50th And it is not s.der graphics card (GTX 970). Would someone have an idea?


Have a look at the task manager, which otherwise consumes processor power.


What eats the most is discord with 5% so almost nothing…


"because my old CPU (i5 4460) did not work really well anymore"

I do not think so, something else should have been the cause of your problem.

And this is probably still gone now.

Have you ever tried reinstalling Windows before?


No, not so far. Would that be a possible solution? And my other question would be, why could that help, so what makes windows wrong xD


Are you sure? Did you, as I said, look at the Task Manager? It may be that you e.g. Have a Bitcoin Miner on it, who already eats a lot. With your CPU and Fortnite 100% utilization that's funny.


"would that be a possible solution?"

Reinstalling Windows is always a good idea if things are not going well and you do not know where it comes from.

"why could that help, so what makes windows wrong?"

Can have many causes, usually not windows directly.
e.g. Startup too many programs; a virus; etc.


Yes, I've seen it through many times. A friend of my father (computer scientist) also could not recognize the problem on the fast after assembling


Oh I made a mistake. Of course I have already reinstalled windows. I just got to know it as a new set up which is why I was just confused. I have not set it up with the new CPU yet but with the old one and there had been nothing to change this load problem…