3700X 95 degrees hot 100% utilization?

- in Hardware

I currently have a PC with the following components:

Steel legend b450

16GB adata ram

1tb with 2 ssx

2070 super asus evo dual


Boxing cooler

Housing with 6 fans

With this PC I play and stream in parallel. But now I noticed yesterday during the stream that in Fortnite Midgame with about 40 players alive I "only" have around 110 fps. I thought that this couldn't be the case with the components and saw in the task manager that the CPU is running at almost 100 percent, i.e. At least 95 percent utilization. I stream in full hd and 60 fps, but I don't have very demanding settings in-game because I often play competitively. So I also checked the temperatures of my CPU on the hhomework monitor. There it was 95 degrees. My guess:

The CPU gets too hot and throttles down, which means that it is 100 percent loaded. I use a thermal sheet instead of thermal paste. What can I do? Why is the CPU being used 100 percent and why is it getting so hot?


The CPU starts to throttle from 95 ° C, which is why the CPU is used more. The settings in Fortnite do not affect the CPU, only the graphics card.

What kind of "foil" do you use?
Silicone foils have a very poor thermal conductivity, only graphite pads should be used if one is absolutely dependent on pads!

The only solution would be to change the cooler or just improve the heat transfer!


Try to remove the cooler, if it is very dusty, clean it, apply http://geizhals.at/1950826 and reinstall it. Because of the load, look in the Task Manager to see which programs are causing so much CPU load and reinstall them or delete them immediately (with virus scanners, etc.).

If none of this works, I would replace the cooler and if that doesn't work either, I would completely reset the PC.


I use a graphite foil, not a pad. But I will switch to thermal paste in a week


Fortnite and streamlabs take together about 60%, the rest dissipates. I will take thermal paste in a week and I'm currently in quarantine 😕


Graphite should actually be just as good, I've also used it before

Is my PC getting too hot? De Deandrelevi6484