Little brother annoyed and no employment?


My little brother is 9 years old and is often bored and spread bad mood because he is not allowed to play Fortnite or fumble on the phone. He has an hour and a half limit on cell phones and PlayStations and never bothers with the time until someone intervenes. After the 1 hour gambling around he starts to bore and annoys everyone: What should I do and complain because he knows nothing else except Playstation and mobile. I told him that playing a lot of games stupid and his attitude is, "Then I'll just stupid".

He yells at me and is disrespectful.

I know that one should clarify in the family what I have tried. But what would you do in my place?


Fortnite is also a bad game for 9 year old boys. The age restriction 12 is already justified. Battel Royal is then even from 16. If Fortnite then only in metered quantities. I would do it like this: 1 hour outside = 1 hour Fortnite. No more than 1:30 hour. In addition, you could do it this way: If he always stops punctually (after 1 hour) he is allowed once a week to pick a day where he can play half an hour more. Besides, I would also tell the boy to play other games.


Unfortunately, he knows nothing else than Fortnite, because when I was 9 there was a maximum of 30 min Gameboy and otherwise I was 12 until it was dark outside playing street football. He hates everything he can't do without working directly. He reached the brown belt in Taekwondo and then threw it away.


Can you maybe teach him other things?


I try to teach him as much as possible and do my best but he finds everything pejorative and hates it right when he can't do anything