Do guys like it when a girl gambles?


So not 24/7 and would you play with her? No Fortnite but e.g. MC or Arsenal


Sure, it's really awesome.


So if she plays with us every now and then, that's definitely cool and helps to bond together, but if she gambles too long, she just sits on the bottom of her pants the whole time, which in turn does not promote her creative horizon, or something similar. I would ask myself twice if I want a 24 \ 7.


Every woman has her interests. Either you mad the woman as she is or you don't get on well enough with her for a relationship.


If boys / men do that, girls / women are of course allowed to do that too.


Always different. If my girlfriend would gamble and I would like to be happy and stand behind, and occasionally gamble with her zsm. But I wouldn't force that on anyone, everyone should choose their own hobby

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