How can you protect the youth / children?


Especially the children who are between the ages of 5 and 14

I don't like them at all, it's all about gambling, Fortnite, insults, zero manners, sex? And other pervese things, aggressiveness…

All just addicted to cell phones, addicted to televisions, nobody knows what it's like to play outside or to play hide and seek

What shoud that? Why is that? What can you do to show these children the "right way"?


You can show your own children what else is there apart from staring at any monitors or displays.

I would say that the problem is not with the children you mentioned, but rather with the parents, who do not seem to be very interested in their children using something else for work.


First of all: Not everyone is like that.

Otherwise: If a child insults you, you can tell him that it should not be done.

But if you only observe this and are not impaired in any way, there's nothing you can do.

As someone has already written here, it is the responsibility of the legal guardians.


Is relatively different and depends on which area you come from and what friends you have. I'm currently 14 years old and have had free internet access everywhere on my computer since I was 10 and I have not become a "person" who always plays, insults etc. My friends are not like that either, but it is probably due to high school.

But I also think that if you come from such a high-rise district with other children who have no manners and whose parents don't care for them, it is more likely to become someone who only gambles, insults and only sits on the cell phone than when you are comes from a "neat" quarter.


Are not my children. I'm talking about the general public


Absolutely nicely said.


It hasn't been like this since yesterday

Children / adolescents just do everything that is either 'cool' or 'grown up' - it really has always been that way.

E.g. Cool: gamble, smoke, drink,

For example, adults: putting on make-up, wearing sexy clothes, having sex, looking rtl, because it seems to them that it is serious adult reporting when the police are on the road again and that is very interesting, even if every reasonable adult comes after 2 minutes of severe headache on these programs…

That has always been the problem with young people and always will be. They are very inexperienced and behave according to the current state of knowledge.

It may be a pity, but what do you want to do? They live in the same society as the adults. If you want to change young people, you have to change society as a whole.


I also asked myself the question and noticed how no matter most most of us are your parents. Most of the parents give us a controller so that we can deal with ourselves somehow and they can have their peace. Then it is clear that at some point we will no longer want to obey them. We should somehow manage our lives ourselves and write great grades and then find great jobs. If we somehow mess up, we get mega trouble and are punished, although nobody really taught us how we could have done it better.


Life is getting worse, the youth has not always been like that, not Haha


Naturally. The television used to be the devil and now it's just a laptop and a cell phone.


Let it be, you're still young yourself to understand that 🤣


Well, a meaningless answer if you don't know the answer yourself. Logical. Seems to be mentally much more mature…


Or so you say? 🤣 That I'm not laughing


You're 2 years older than me, so of course I'm still way too young to understand that, of course.


But "mature" enough to have a big face here what?


I? More likely you. If I claim to have a clue, at least I'm able to show my clue and don't have to talk myself out




Socrates already complained about "today's youth" 2300 years ago. It really has always been that way.


Yes, it was already clear to me. But the likelihood is high that you will have children one day, right? Therefore my advice on what you do differently from the others.