Warzone Ban 2 account?

- in Hardware

I'm interested if e.g. Make a 2 Warzone account and there e.g. It is billed whether this also applies to the main account because some games like Fortnite have hardware bans.


You mean ip ban?
then you can no longer gamble warzone your ip is then blocked so the console or pc where the account was created can no longer log into warzone and also no longer create an account


Ip ban = / hardware ban.
Ip bans are incredibly easy to work around and are almost never used anymore.
Hardware bans, however, block the HWID, i.e. The number that results from the parts of the PC. This can also be bypassed, but is a little more complicated.


But ip bans are still used on consoles, right?


I don't know can be.


Nobody makes ip bans


You will get a HWID ban and with it your main acc will be banned as soon as you play with it

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