Little FPS despite good hardware?

- in Hardware

(Hardware: GTX 1070 AMD ryzen 7 2700x and 7.95 RAM) Hi, I just play Rainbow Six wins and Fortnite that way, and when I stop playing the games like Rainbow So between 130-60 (everything on Low except shadows = medium) drotz this good hardware, and at Fortnite I have so normal without fight and opponents in the near 240-110 about (but regularly drops so from 110-150-200 …) And in fights, it always drips so between 210- 80 but most of the time so 150-80

Hope it can help me any further


What resolution are you playing on?


Achso and have a 60hz monitor from Philips (is actually intended as a TV, but you can also use it as a monitor)




And in Rainbow but also with 3: 2


So it seems like it's normal…

I read a few things and found out that on high setting rainbow with your hardware, so comes to 115 to 140 fps.


Which ram are you using?

Do you know the mhz number of it?


So I'm not quite that smart about PC in general, so I do not know what MHz means, can you explain it briefly?


I know but jmd who has worse CPU, GPU and has less RAM and has MUCH better FPS than me and he plays with Epic Settings and has drotzdem so 170-100 FPS like that


Mhz is the clock rate of the Ram.

Do you have Steam? There you can talk better.

If you want, I'll send you my nick and I can give you some tips.


OK, have Steam, can send your name.