How much watts do I need for my PC?

- in Hardware

I built half a gaming PC.

I still need a power adapter and do not know how many watts of need.

Here are my components:

Motherboard: Asus Prime B250-Plus

CPU: Intel Pentium G4560

RAM: (do not know which manufacturer) An 8gb Ram (yes, unfortunately only one)

Graphics card: Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb

SSD: Crucial MX200 500gb

I want to play with the Fortnite with the settings high / epic.

I do not know now which power supply I should take.

The things I buy are used on e-bay classifieds.

My budget is 350 euro

I would also be happy if you have suggestions for improvement.



218 watts according to calculator (details below), the CPU is quite economical. I would buy a PURE POWER 11 400W, is too much power, but it has the DC-DC feature and has enough reserves to probably not need a new power supply when upgrading.

CPU: Pentium G4560

GPU: GeForce GTX 1060

Drives: S-ATA 2x

RAM: 1x

Fan: 2x

Water cooling: 0x

Overclocked: no


Bissel air up is always good, so that the power supply nails more often at the power limit. 550 watts would be considered minimum, 750W would give you extra safety buffer.

And in terms of price, this is easily affordable for your budget.


Mind. A decent 400W power supply (for example, Pure Power 11 400W for about 50 euro new) would be advisable.

Although the system needs less than 400W, but there are hardly any good power supplies with less than 400W rated power.

Secondly, used power supply are not worthwhile in most cases not in the absence of good offers (if you like a good also used, if not too old, but ask again before you buy a "Chinaböller").

P.S.: Write what the used components that you want to buy should cost, because at least on Ebay some used components partly regemäßig to today's new prices sold.

The G4560 I would generally rather not buy used second, there should be more meaningful.


"550 Watts I would consider as a minimum"

What do you want to hang there?

550 to 600 W is actually the maximum that you need at all.


Do you think I can play Fortnite on High / Epic with Average 60 FPS with these components?


Yes, 60 FPS should actually be almost permanently in FHD (Epic), but Fortnite is also quite resource-saving.


For your reassurance and / or amusement thought: In my I7 nails a 1200W power supply. I'm just a security fanatic.


750 watts? For what? The system barely reaches 200 …


To get the 200W in the run, that's correct. The switch-top is always far above.


That's right, but this tip is usually easily caught by the caps


That's usually true. And that's exactly what happened to me before the factory-built 550W power supply, because 2 Elkos had exploded.

Result: smoke detector test passed.