Ryzen 2600X 16gb ram rx580 and fortnite never stays at 60 fps, what can that be?

- in Hardware

I have everything set to minimum and still I can't play fluent, sometimes it jerky or even goes down to 35-40 fps. What could that be? Can that be on the screen?


What is the hardware load (for example, single processor cores) and how fast is the RAM?


Pooh no idea, is there such an online tester, dan can send it to you.


Driver current, resolution to 4k? It will not be on your screen, it can also display a picture smoothly


Yes this is a new pc, everything has been updated


Well then it's hard to say, you can even run the Taskmgr by the way, and look which component is running into the limit while playing.


Can you just use the Windows 10 Task Manager and pay attention to individual cores.

Otherwise, I would use the MSI Afterburner to read the utilization and to recognize motherboard and RAM sometimes CPU-Z


That is very strange. It certainly is not on the screen. What did you install for a power supply? It could be that the components simply do not get enough power and then automatically shut down.

Otherwise, it may also be on a very old hard drive, but since your PC is new, I'm not going to go out?


3D mark do you mean? Or MSI AFTERBURNER


Do not you need. Ryzen only supports ddr4 ram, so it can't be below 2400 mhz (slower ddr4 ram does not exist), and even 2400 are enough. A ryzen 5 2600x is ALWAYS high enough per core, it can't be. Interesting what yells here as a community expert through the area


650watt cross: /


Vlt is the 580 too hot?


Hmm. Did you use then maybe an old hard drive? Or is it possible that malicious software could get onto your PC from any dubious sources?


You can get for example Speccy, because you have the utilization of all components at a glance. Otherwise even Windows has such possibilities in the in-game overlay. For now vlt even reaches the task manager.


Send the load with MSI Afterburner.


Since I agree with you, but so you can check whether any unwanted software components used or whether the problem has another cause.


So gpu was 25 ram was 25-30% andcpu load so around 15%


Yes, but not by knowing the unimportant details of the components that have enough power anyway


The funny thing is no matter in which mode whether high or low setting it is the same problem everywhere, it trembles so easily, it just is not liquid


The graphics driver I have eig. Already above, who has reported himself so I have to update him.


No, the pc is brand new


DDR4 also works with https://geizhals.de/...E5015_2133 z, so slower RAM is available! But yes, that should be absolutely enough, was a stupid thought. That should be enough for 60 FPS. Still, my idea was that another program would use up the CPU or GPU, such as an antivirus program. At that time I was still able to play the game with my FX 6300, so that's not the point.

A further consideration was a strong overheating of the MOSFETs, should be possible on an A320 board, if here a bad CPU cooler was installed. However, I have not heard this issue from AM4 Hexacores

And good that you directly question my status here, just because something is inconclusive and / or I have asked for something that may not be the problem. Can you do that, but then you should not make mistakes in your statement (see RAM clock)


So I would try it with a new installation


Must be a software problem. Whether it is the game itself, you can find out with a reinstallation of the game. If you say that it's shaking - ever trying to turn off V-Sync, it had already had some problems in Fortnite, but it's been some time!


Do you have the problem synonymous in other games or only with Fortnite? Anyway, it could be that in any program you have activated an FPS limitation that is crazy at Fortnite. The problem was definitely schoneinnmal in other games.


Exactly. For a 6-core processor, virus protection is the problem. Even at 2133mhz ram the Fps values are not right. The overheating makes no sense, because Fortnite does not use enough cores or does not need that much CPU limit. ALSO ONE AM4 Board… Your problem is I think more that you are looking at the wrong point. It can't be hardware, and you would have to know that as a community expert. Well, obviously everyone is his own 'expert' here


I have no other game on the pc, but I could try that right.


Again on my name addition to the roaring. An antivirus program can fully utilize a Hexacore, speak there from experience, had itself so far only such models. In addition, I always ask first the hardware to exclude the one hand, and on the other hand that is the area, which I know best by distance and therefore I can help the most.

How many cores fortnite can use, I do not know, since it is not so badly optimized and runs on weaker systems and I have not done researched until now

I would like to mention here again briefly: The with the RAM was, as I already said, a wrong idea, even 2133 MHz are sufficient. You do not need to chop it anymore, it's more a lack of argument.

Incidentally, my two Community Expert titles have been added to my name in the context of hardware-based questions. With that I want to say again: Hardware is my preferred topic and with questions, where I'm not 100% sure, I want to convince myself that it is not the hardware.

So I'm looking for the wrong end, as far as this question is concerned, but often there was already a hardware problem, while other users represented software problems as a clear problem.

I just hope that you are satisfied here. After all, I hereby openly admit that my first statement in no way can solve the problem, but I want to make it clear that I'm not incompetent, as far as the subject PC and I like to admit mistakes. Even as a Communtiy expert, I'm not free of mistakes and look at the other end. This happens to me occasionally and other community experts too. Then it is always very important to stay professional. Therefore, a tip for a better reasoning: Just leave a title or similar personal from an argument out. Does not belong there, as it only distracts from the topic - does not only outrage the other, but suggests an inability to argue and therefore reduces the credibility of the arguments

This is, I think, clarified our inconsistencies - it's probably a software problem and I just wanted to make sure that it's really one!

Fortnite stays at 30 fps? Sa SardineNull22
Does it bring 16GB Ram? Th ThickPanther