Games do not jerk in front of it?

- in Hardware

I have a problem my PC has started to jerk for example games like fortnite I play with 180 fps then it comes between to jerks on the 20 fps go the problem I have been for two weeks now

I defragmented my PC. I reset it. I renewed the thermal grease.


Processor: AMD FX (tm) - 8300 Eight Core Processor 3.30 GHz

Memory (RAM): 16.0 GB

System Type: 64-bit operating system

Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB


At best this may have slowed down the game. Because you may have deleted cache memory that will cache the game and make it faster.


Press ctrl + alt + ent and check if programs are running that you do not need. Or tasks that do not need to be started automatically.

Hint: You reach deep into the system with this command. If you deactivate the wrong one, your computer does not boot up and the system can be irreparably damaged in the worst case.


There's nothing that should not work


Does the program process online data? Could your internet connection have slowed down?


No, but I got a USB WLAN stick it can be because of it