RTX 2060 6GB sufficient?

- in Hardware

I'm considering buying the RTX 2060 but wonder if and how long the 6GB VRAM will last.

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600

FHD 60Hz monitor (maybe soon 144Hz)

Games: eg. World of Tanks, Fortnite, Minecraft (with shaders and texture packs), GTA V, KBSP, …

Everyone wants to play with the highest settings.

Thanks in advance

LG Max

(The card is sometime replaced with a RTX2080 if it only costs so 300-400 euro and to the CPU is exchanged for a Ryzen 7 3700x.)


So far, the RAM in the RTX 2060 is not the limiting factor in unmodified games. For the performance of the card is "too low" in Texturmode that may look different.

I think that will not change.

Wait for the 7.7. The Rx5700 or the RTX 2060 Super are in the starting blocks.

The upgrade to the processor you can save yourself. Even the 2080 can't bring the processor to the CPU limit.


Sry accidentally clicked on unhelpful, which is helpful with the processor upgrade. Dear the rx5700 or the 2060 super and are already known prices


Prices in Europe are not yet known only the dollar prices for the RX5700. Often the 1: 1 to Euro then. Google the times. About the Super should be on 21. 6. Information


Would probably put more on 8GB… Think of a Vega 64 or wait for the new NAVI.


Can you take. However, you will not be able to play GTA V on maximum details, at least my GTX 1070 does not even manage to do so in Full HD!


I dealt extensively with the question before I bought my 2060. I have come to the conclusion that the 6GB will not limit much in the end, because the 2060 anyway is not the strongest card and probably first limited the graphics chip, so the performance of the card, before you can't play because of too little graphics memory.

Whether it has a strong impact on VRAM utilization, if you install many shaders and texture packs, I do not know.

Raytracing is not possible with the card in practice.

Incidentally, there are rumors that in July an improved version with 8 GB VRAM appears.

I would also consider a Vega 56, eats electricity, but lately the ASUS top model has seen around 260 euro, that's really amazing.


When comparing RTX 2060 vs. Vega 64 wins the Vega in my eyes. You buy yourself with the significant extra consumption a corner more power and 2GB more RAM, which makes sense in the performance class, since you can easily play with the performance in 1440p. In addition you get the Vega 64 also often cheaper.

In that sense, I would prefer the Vega RTX 2060, preferably the Asus Strix and not the Sapphire, on which there's no guarantee.