Lags despite high FPS in Fortnite?

- in Hardware

Almost all players in Fortnite set the FPS limit to unlimited and it works great. When I do that I'm pretty blatant lags or I can move badly (never drops below 80 FPS). Why is that?

PC Specs:

I5 7400

GTX 1060 6GB



Maybe your ping is too high?


Have already reported several users. Maybe activate VSync, then it is always max. 60 fps, which usually corresponds to the refresh rate of the monitor.


Mostly 10 sometimes even 0


Have 144hz monitor


Fortnite's display of ping does not work properly, you should run a test outside of Fortnite. (A ping of 0 can't be reached btw)

In addition to ping, Internet-based lag may also be due to download rate, upload rate, and packet loss.


FPS are the frames per second that your graphics card could produce, depending on the resolution you set… But that depends on the graphics card and not the game setting

Furthermore: The frequency of the monitor also indicates the refresh rate per second in Hertz… Depending on the set resolution

If your monitor only 80 Hertz create, you need in the game nothing higher to set - you do not see anyway, but charged the graphics processor and the CPU enormously, because on the one hand, the calculations and on the other, the amount of data increase many times…

I never play over 60 FPS… Perfectly adequate