Got fortnite installed today and set it with the recommended setting, so just set the auto setting you can select and my fortnite freezt again and again after a few minutes, even if I set the setting to medium
PC Set: AMD ryzen 5 2600, R9 380 strix 2gb, 8gb RAM
Which operating system do you use, if I may ask?
Windows 10 home
Maybe it's because of the low Vram? 2 GB is relatively little. Just a guess.
Try to play in windowed mode instead of in full screen.
Maybe that helps.
Joa, but is the Vram not really there to load the textures?
Hmm, I'll try it tomorrow hope it works but would be good if I had a real solution for it to be able to play in full screen 😅
You could also play in the "full screen" instead. As a result, the background process continues to run as in windowed mode.
Yes for image files. But maybe it could be. Because Fortnite already needs more than 2 GB