To all IT freaks and HP Envy owners - Which version suits me?

- in Hardware

I would like to buy a 2 in 1 Convertible, where the screen is rotatable by 360 degrees, but I do not want to exceed the 1100 euro mark)

I would like to do the following with the device:

-Photoshop (drawing, and editing photos, not all too elaborate work, since I'm still Photoshop beginner)

-Indesign (I make flyers or similar for the company from time to time)

Word, Powerpoint, Excel

Games like Sims 4, Fortnite, Wow

Internet surfing (logical)

I'm very interested in the HP Envy x360, because it seems to me that the price performance is best for this device. (Other device suggestions are welcome)

However, I'm overwhelmed, because there are so many different versions and I would like to work for so much money without any problems and lags

My questions:

- rich in my scope 8 gb Ram?

- Should I take the Amd Ryzen 7 or Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7?

- Does the HP Envy Tilt Shift support and does anyone have any experience with the device?

- What difference does it make if I have only one SSD hard drive in it now, or an SSD and an HDD?


8gb should be enough if you do not do so much at the same time, but 16 are better especially if you always have 10 tabs on the internet open.

amd ryzen 7 much better at the moment because intel is priceless

if you have a ssd and hdd you just do the system and main programs on the ssd. The rest stays on the slow hdd, I find you do not notice a big difference.


So it would be a good option to think about ryzen 7, 8gb ram and 256gb ram? And that means that with hdd and ssd the computer is actually slower? Me hats namely surprised because the hp envy is only with ssd to 50 euro more expensive than that with ssd and hdd, in the same version


It is theorethically slower, but you hardly notice it. I think that's the most meaningful configuration at the moment


Thank you!


8 GB are enough, Office / Surfing / Games are doing well
The combination of SSD and HDD is not bad. On SSD only important programs and all data on the HDD
The Vega 10 graphics unit from Ryzen processors is significantly better than the HD 620 from the Intel processor, which is important for gaming

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