FPS drops on Fortnite i7-3770 - GTX1060 6GB 16GB RAM?

- in Hardware

I have irregular FPS drops while playing Fortnite.

I have an i7-3770, a GTX 1060 6GB and 16GB RAM.

If it is still relevant, I have two Samsung screens and one is in "game mode".

I'm playing at 60 FPS and initially an epic setting, which I set a level lower, but that didn't fix the problem.

Unfortunately I don't know what to do, the GTX driver is up to date.


The FPS drops are probably due to the CPU, the i7-3770 is no longer the best CPU.

But Fortnite actually needs very little CPU power, so you should easily reach 120 FPS.

Measure the temperature of your CPU, maybe it is overheating and therefore has to clock down? The i7 should ideally stay below 80 degrees under load.


Thank you for your feedback.

What is the best method for you to downclock the CPU?

I had just read the net carefully and found a lot.


If it overheats, clocks down anyway, always enough so that 100 degrees are not exceeded. (then nothing happens to the CPU)

But you can also do it manually: Go to the power settings of Win 10 → Change power saving plan - Advanced settings.


There you can enter the maximum and minimum CPU utilization under Processor. So e.g. 50% maximum CPU usage.

To solve the problem you need a new CPU cooler. 😊