Fps drops in fortnite, despite i7 4790k, gtx 1060 6gb oc, 16gb RAM?

- in Hardware

Moin I hope I'm right here

I'm looking for help

i bought a new pc before i had an i7 4770 and a gtx 760 2gb and had around 70-120fps in fortnite

My new pc has much better specs but has fps drops that drop to 20 every now and then and then go out again and then there are stutters

ask for help why is that so?

i7 4790k 4ghz

gtx 1060 6gb oc

16GB RAM from corsair


Please list all parts on hard disks and co.

How is the utilization specific in before the FPS drops? How are the temps?


Is vsync off?


Maybe an OC mistake?

Take a look at the utilization in the Afterburner.


Vsync would make it even smoother. Even when it's over, there shouldn't be any frame breakdowns with the components


So I don't play fortnite but in games I gamble makes vsync worse


Can you please explain how to turn them on? I just don't get it, sorry


Yes is over.


Hmm So, of course, the input lag is significantly increased by Vsync, but the entire technology is only based on avoiding lag by adapting the game's frame rates to the monitor and thus stabilizing them. In the case of frame break-ins, this can only help.

If the components don't even manage the repetition rate of the monitor, lags can of course still occur.


Maybe this will help you:



i7 4790k

gtx 1060


1tb HDD

128gb ssd

800w power supply

windows 10 pro x64 bit

if I forgot something please say

temp are always fine

never really go over 60-65

I don't know about the omission and I don't understand how I can activate msi afterburner


Well, my monitor can't handle the frames of marine components 😂 but I'll take a look but thanks!


Have to activate the respective things in the OSD tab.


I found out thanks

ehm I think I made it in any case with the monitoring I just played a round and never had below 160fps every now and then even clean 230 so the drops are gone


Can the fps also be displayed on the right?


You can change the position of the display in the Riva Tuner at the bottom of the preview.