Pc crash buy advice CPU limiting sizes fortnite etc?

- in Hardware

I currently have an intel i5 6500 and that is pretty busy when I play fortnite and my game / pc crashes more often.

I know that Fortnite is a CPU game and that's why I buy a new one because I think it limits the fps etc.

The funny thing is that the CPU was so expensive and still fails, and I do not think I can clean it up with a PC cleaning or making the game liquid again.

That's why I want to get a new one now because I think the CPU is my limiting size but my graka is ne GTX 1050ti how can that be?

And the latter is worth the amd ryzen 7 2700x?


I know that Fortnite is a CPU game

Is not it. My utilization of the i7 8700: 19%

On the CPU, the crashes are not synonymous lie, more on the power supply or perhaps graphics card.

Look in the events. (Events)


That's weird but the graphics card is not, but I would not synonymous to an AMD processor because you then synonymous right now a new mainboard would have to buy. But how much money would you want to spend?


My usage is between 80 and 90% while streaming 100


I would also be ready to buy a new motherboard budget at 400 euro


Because you are only 4 cores and 4 threads. And your clock from the processor is also very low


Oh, it's about streaming. Then install MSI Afterburner and look at all workloads and especially temperatures.


Ok I try it but it is synonymous offstream often at 100




The motherboard I have to say that I'm very happy with it because I use it myself it's just not the most beautiful but with price performance, it is one of the best


The i5 should be enough. Pay attention to other programs, such as an anti-virus system, which you can delete directly, Windows Defender is enough and is better! I've also been able to play the game with a FX 6300, which is much worse, it should not be. Also, I would take a look at the GPU and RAM usage in the game and maybe look into the event viewer for the cause of the problems that might help. You should also update the drivers.

Besides, you do not have to buy such an expensive CPU right now! Your current one was just fine for gaming 3-4 years ago, but since Ryzen's out there, it's all changed. In the meantime, a R5 1400 for 120 euro is just as good in gaming as your i5, and even better in other areas.

Absolutely sufficient and much stronger will be a https://geizhals.de/...04462.html, which costs 150 euro. As a motherboard, if you really want to upgrade, I can recommend the https://geizhals.de/...58732.html. Is a good and cheap board.

If you already have DDR4 RAM, then you can keep that, if you still have DDR3 RAM, then I would get this here: https://geizhals.de/...74853.html


Then something is wrong. Look in the Task Manager if nothing is open if a process is pulling your performance. The CPU should be sufficient for streaming in Fortnite.


But maybe the crashes are really on the power supply that always crackles when I pull it in and out even when the power is off


Thanks, I'll take a closer look


Yes, that can be good. Does it still have warranty? Which PSU is it? Be sure to check the Event Viewer.


Warranty has expired but the name I'm looking for a moment out shortly


500W LC power is just there


This is going to be an absolute chinooker. Nothing like the electronic waste with it, before it destroys your hardware.



I have to order a new one right away, I hope it's not broken, I've got the pc for a while now


Look again in the event center, not that maybe there's another reason.

I can recommend as a new power supply the 500W Bequiet Pure Power 11.


Thanks ddr4 ram I already have I just wondered why my processor is still so expensive


You all write something about this eventful center where do I find that?


The two sides explain that quite well:




Is it because it is Intel and you should not buy old hardware in general, is just too expensive!


I've found it now is the error message 41 and there's what unexpectedly interrupted power supply think this could be the power supply


Very likely in the China shred power supply. Investing more money next time will pay off.


One question I still have to pay attention to when buying from the power supply (plan to buy your proposed) and I have to pay attention to the interaction with other parts when buying a new motherboard and a new CPU?


So the power supply should be sufficiently sized (enough watts) and just not be Chinese shred. Otherwise, only the CPU has to fit the motherboard, that's it. If you intend to buy a new CPU in the near future you should wait about a month, because the new Ryzen processors are coming. Means 8 cores and 16 threads for under 200 euro, perfect for streaming.


Thank you very much for everything


No problem, thanks for the star. If you have any questions just write.