CPU causes games to return?

- in Hardware

Hey guys again a quick question: So I have a i5 2400 and a GTX 1050 2 GB oc. Fortnite does, however: CPU runs at 100% and the GPU at around 50%. I have so with everything low and FullHD 130 FPS but there are microruckers about every 3 seconds and the nerves extremely. If I limit the game to 60 FPS they are not there but I want the 130 fps soon. Do you know what that is and how I can fix it? I would be really happy if you have a solution. And please no comments like: Why do you have this configuration at all when the CPU is such a bottleneck.


Well, 2GB video storage is not exactly the world and today's games run best in your case with minimal settings.


It's not the CPU that is the bottleneck, but your troll GTX1050 2GB.


No I used Msi Afterburner and there's clearly CPU 100% GPU 50%


That doesn't answer my question. It has nothing to do with the Vram too, of which only 1400 MB are full


Leave all settings low.

Then play the game in 720p, 900p, 1080p, 1440p…

And look at the result.


That is normal. If you have more fps than your monitor can display, micro stuttering will occur. Turn on VSinc. The more FPS bring you nothing but disadvantages anyway


Also, that doesn't explain micro lag


OK thanks


Of course, it explains that if the VRAM is constantly full, it must be reloaded accordingly.


But it is not full


Never mind, please forget it.

2GB GTX 1050 is already ok for the game.

Have fun


As already mentioned, play your games on the low settings and it is good. And yes, it answers a lot because your video memory has to constantly reload and if you only hold 2GB, these are quickly full.


Yes, but I still haven't got an answer to my question. Why is it jerky? I even tried Vsync but that doesn't change anything.