144hz monitor and 144fps in fortnite why screen tearing?

- in Hardware

I recently set my monitor from 120 to 144hz. Since then I have had very strong screen tearing in fortnite. If I set it back to 120 Hz too… My PC is very good because it can't be. Vsync is out of the question for me because vsync gives me a strong input delay. Is there a way to fix the problem without getting a strong input lag? Or maybe my monitor is broken? All my friends have no screen tearing and also a 144hz monitor, many of them even have a weaker PC. I would be very grateful for an answer. I could also give more detailed information about my setup


Yes, because your friends are using Vsync. Either you turn it on or use a monitor with Gsync or Freesync.


In principle, tearing can only be avoided with V-sync, G-sync or Free-sync… By simply limiting the FPS in the game to 144, you will still be able to observe tearing again and again… It is conceivable that you can alleviate the whole thing somewhat you experiment a bit and test the FPS for example on 143, 145 or 142 etc. But in the end it is usually the most sensible to let the FPS run free (without limitation) or set it at eg 200 :-)


Wrong, my friends don't use vsync. Almost no player who plays at a high level uses vsync because there's simply a strong delay.


I activated Gsync on my graphics card and Freesync on my monitor and still had tearing


Only works down, not up. Speak in a range of eg 30-144fps…


Capped my game to 142fps with gsync


And that works now?