Gtx 960 2g
amd ryzen 5 2600
8gb ram
250gb memory / because my hard drive has gone kapput.
b450 per vdh plus
it sometimes crashes the game at R6. Fortnite. Apex can help me who?
The graphics card is pretty much garbage. How exactly does it crash? Is the game to death? Back to Windows? Or does the PC go completely? Or does the PC restart itself?
What do you want with the GTx 960 in the system?
I would not waste a lot of time there now and try out all sorts of solutions, but rather rewrite Windows and hope that this will solve the problem.
Short statue then closes the game.
Which graka should I get for the max.200 euro
Okay, sounds like a problem with the graphics card. Try to set the graphics to the lowest level, so that the still image occurs later.
AMD Radeon RX 580/570
Rx 580 or 1660.
It's much better.
Good 75%,
Or the 1660 almost 100%