Hard drive is short on 100% utilization?

- in Hardware

While gaming (fortnite, rocket league) I had short laggs recently and was amazed at why all of a sudden, because I didn't do anything else, except that I got another hard drive (2tb hdd) for my 480gb SSD have. In the task manager, I noticed that when these laggs occur, my SSD jumps briefly to 100% load and then drops back to 0. I do not understand why. At CoD MW it is the case that I have the game on the HDD and when it comes to laggs again, I see in the taskmaneniger that my SSD is back to 100. Graphics card (GTX 1060 3gb) or processor (Ryzen 5 2600) are neither overloaded or nearly at their limits. I didn't find anything on the Internet and switching off autostart programs or deactivating other unnecessary things from Windows didn't help either. Hope you can help


Storage pages may have to be swapped out during the game and the ssd is the fastest swap candidate in the system.

How much main memory, so RAM do you have in your system?