Hello I'm looking for a finished PC that should cost a maximum of 350 euro and can run csgo and fortnite with at least 60 fps can someone send me a link?
You can get used here:
You either have to buy a used gaming system or, what I recommend, a used office pc from 2014+ and then a graphics card (gtx 770, gtx 970, RX 470, R9 270x, GTX 960 etc. Depending on your budget).
Like my answer
It won't just be new if you build yourself. https://geizhals.eu/?cat=WL-1700944
You have to take a look at eBay
Unfortunately it is way too expensive. Get something better for ~ 250-300 euro.
Styria… Most of them live in DE.
Then you just pay a few euro shipping ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯