What should I upgrade for Fortnite?

- in Hardware

I have up to date

Pentium G4560

GTX 1050

and I do not know what to upgrade. Play all low, except Epic and Epic Textures.

Price Range (platform change not included): 250 euro


Would you recommend an i5 6600K.


RX 580 8gb and later a new CPU suitable for the platform of your motherboard


It is pointless. The Pentium limits too much


Then I would have said: a 60 euro AM4 B350 motherboard and Ryzen 1700/1600 and overclocking with standard coolers without any problems


If he agrees to a platform change, that would be a good option


If you do not have 2GB of RAM, I would say you should use a i5. For example An i5 6500. Costs but about 110 euro used (I think too much for so old turnip).


If it is the one x chip. And for the price, he can immediately switch to RYZEN system.


The platform which supports an i5 6600k and board with overclocking goes over budget and is a waste of money. Ryzen 1600 and B350 board would be the solution

Opinion on the pc? Sh Shrimp55
Upgrade gpu or cpu? St StopwatchCancer
Complete PC upgrade? cu cultured966