I feel like I just don't have enough FPS. In Gta v I have about 70 fps with high settings, Fortnite: min. Settings 110 fps, Valorant 150 fps, ark ultra settings 60 fps. Will that work with my PC? What annoys me a lot is the FPS in Fortnite because with min. Play settings and only have 110 fps.
My pc:
CPU: Amd Ryzen 5 3600
Graphics card: rtx 2070 super
16 gb ram with 3200 mhz
mb: asus strix b450-f
The PC itself is also cooled very well.
110 FPS is a lot. Your eye already takes 30FPS when it was very fluid.
Go for an answer like that
If you play on FHD then you also have little r5 3600 and 2070s and play limited to 160fps and that with better quality so something is not going right
Yes I play on fhd
Ehmmm have you ever played with 144hz monitor?
Then there's really some problem but kp was sry
Okay thanks anyway
Have the same components as you only have a 3600x and 64gb 3200 MHz ram. Had already looked all the time what you can do, uninstall the driver and reinstall it until you change the power supply. Will now reinstall Windows at the weekend and can then tell you whether it has worked or not.