FPS drops in games despite good hardware?

- in Hardware

I've had my PC for about 6 months and everything went fine. For some time now, however, there have been noticeable Fps drops in games (i.e. From 180 to below 100) mostly only for 1-2 seconds or even less, although I haven't really changed anything, except for drivers that install themselves automatically.

Requirements / hardware:

Play at 144hz, 1080p

Win 10 64 bit

RTX 3070

R5 3600 (+ stock cooler)

16 GB Ram (but only run on 2933Mhz at the moment)

MB: ASRock Steel Legend b450

SSd: Crucial m.2 1TB

Actually, there are these drops in almost all games, especially Rocket League or Fortnite, but also GTA. Actually nothing is busy (Cpu and GPu mostly at 30%, Ram at 50%)

I know that it is difficult to solve the problem remotely, but do you have any suggestions for a solution or what could be the reason, because my hardware is really not bad?

I suspect that it could be the CPU that is getting too hot and slowing down the clock? Should I then buy a new CPU cooler or upgrade RAM (32GB)


So it won't be due to RAM and because of the cooler, look in the task manager during a complex game or benchmark how many degrees the CPU has, then I can say more precisely.


I honestly don't really see your problem. It's 80fps, but you can still play very smoothly?