Which iPad for high school?


I'm 12 years old, will soon be in high school and wonder whether I should buy an iPad or an iPad air. You should be able to do everything you need for school, but also play Fortnite.


At 12 you don't need an iPad, not even in high school.

I don't need one and I'm studying. In the end, just because of the corona crisis, I bought a tablet. One from Samsung with the better lifespan compared to the iPad and better picture and sound quality.

You don't NEED an iPad. You want it to be what I can understand, but no student needs such a device. You just throw your money out the window. Or worse, your parents' money. And that thing is Really too expensive.


Have you been playing lego since when do you need an ipad for school and especially when you are 12? Your parents should better educate you that you even consider something like this?!


Do not spread false information haha

i have had my ipad for 9 years and it works perfectly

just say you don't celebrate apple, finish


You can buy the iPad 2019, your parents.

That's pretty good for everything, including Fortnite, because you have 60 FPS there.

The iPad would have to cost around 400 euro, memory dependent.

Is a good device for many other things, have a look


I have to join the predecessors, for the high school at 12 an iPad is probably very exaggerated. A wiser investment would be a laptop, if at all, because at least most of the people I know can write better on it.
But if for some reason you and your parents still think it should be an iPad, it's best to get advice


Sorry but what you're saying about life is nonsense. I still have an iPad 2 from 2011. And iPads, unlike Samsung tablets, are still supported for a long time. The iPad Air 2 from 2014 gets updates. At Samsung, the 2018 tablets are about to be updated. In addition, the good apps on the iPad are more numerous and better adapted. I only agree with you on the point that you don't need an iPad for the 5 classes


You don't need an iPad in the 5th grade, you don't even make PowerPoint presentations, but if an iPad does the Air 3