Cognitive skills decreased in school than in quarantine?


For example: In the quarantine period I gambled a lot, be it fortnite or call of duty. In every normal Fortnite Squads round I had 12-15 kills with an epic win. In Black ops 4, for example, I had an Ekia of 50 to 4 deaths!

Now I have compulsory school again and when I come home from school I sleep first. When I get up and feel "awake" I gamble. But my achievements in fortnite have changed from every normal round I only do 2-3 kills. So does school make you goofy or is that the case with you?


No, the school forces you to use the "rest" of your brain again; you are no longer used to relaxing on the PC.

You are tired, no more brain condition… And that is how it works now.

You should have done something more brain jogging during the school break and not just "baller… Baller… DEATH!". Then it also works with gamepower.